Thứ Ba, 20 tháng 1, 2015

Lession 6: Construction of plastic concrete layer

-After the installation is complete, the class is the consent of the owner and supervising contractors conducting construction of sprayed concrete layer of plastic. Before laying asphalt concrete layer must be clean, dry and flat surface Foundation layer, transverse gradient processing for true to the design requirements.
-Before laying asphalt concrete layer, to irrigate a sticky plastic cling, or fast analysis of emulsion 1-1, 5 kg/m2 or medium analysis, the irrigated stick sticking must perform before laying asphalt concrete layer from 3 -5 hours.
-In the case of plastic cannot be used liquid and emulsion resin can be cooked to a temperature and watering well.
-Ever streak, scattered in a segment of construction of a class are staggered from each other in order to ensure the same cross-section of the sockets of the structural layer must not overlap, causing sinking, broken locally.
-The Sockets along a stretch of road in the heart of construction is completed in July aims to smooth road surface pros, make sure the stick is good between the old and the new are scattered trails dotted across the trails, avoid condensation of water in the vertical joints.
-When executing each trail are scattered in a class must have formwork & must use automatic level checked regularly.
-In the course of construction must have a size 3 m check regularly the flat rate to additional timely the pavement missing, uneven.
-All cases when the execution of the work of the projects are to note the work safe for passing vehicles &, avoiding traffic jams. Must have the guidance and coordination of traffic.
-When the temperature 25 degree C: in sheltered places the contractor will execute each streak sprayed L = 150 m - 200 m; in airy places each streak sprayed L = 80 m -100 m.
-On sprayed concrete contractors will complete construction of the entire width of the road, not to happen the phenomenon have sockets along to the next day.
-Only plastic concrete construction in those days no rain, dry nails, air temperature not below 5 degree C

Thứ Tư, 14 tháng 1, 2015

Lession 5: Farm Shack layout, storage, electrical system installation and the water supply and drainage

a. prepare the shack camp
All infrastructure including: camp Shack and the ancillary construction contractors are concentrated near the right online safety RADIUS outside blasting.
b. electricity and water service construction
The contractor will contract with the local power bodies where power lines had come over to serve construction and will use 250 KVA generator in the event of lost power grid. Water source will use the water truck to combined with the irrigation pump washing and watering the moisture during construction of road surface Foundation layer.
c. the Volume of materials, construction equipment
The contractor will build the warehouses to the material in the range obtained investor, consultant as well as the relevant unit. The storing of materials will be constructed in a logical manner to the gathering of materials is easy and convenient for installation.
d. the goal of surface water and groundwater
Prior to construction contractors will ensure keeping the ground works, foundation pits, dumps land grab by a dry ditch system always objective, target track (surface water), water collection wells pumping pepper (ground water).

Lession 4: Measuring net plug and locate works

After the owner handed the pile to mold and mold rear elevations, contractors will lead to landmark buildings, building the benchmark for construction and testing. The benchmark is made of concrete, placed at the location of the stable, certainly not in the area of construction and be protective barriers. The benchmark bond was deployed along the routes form the grid control mode.
The drawing grid control will have to show the relationship between the standard mold together, between the benchmark with a score of important navigation works with the metrics angle measure closed loop and located between them (the average was calculated wrong) with the correct number.
From the benchmark works, the contractor would lead to the sending of the construction phase. The post is made of 60x60x700mm wood pile close deep into the ground, surrounding masonry protection, there are nail positioning, and also covered for sure. In the course of construction and will regularly check the accuracy and stability of the sender. If there is doubt about the accuracy should check back from the benchmark works.
Determining the location of the works on the premises and is conducted according to the sequence:
-First, to identify the main lines of works (plays the axial positioning works, located 20 m/50 mold). The piles of this positioning is made of 40x40x500mm wood, on top of the pile has nailed the positioning.
-Then, take the main lines as standard measuring angles on both sides to determine the cubic shape earthworks. Based on design drawings (sections), its surface is then "ga" for the earthworks.
-The kick-"ga" is played with wooden shelves, on the wood specified hemorrhage: hemorrhage at its core, natural ground in position to try to pile, slope roof we dig down Connie (Connie's legs) or cut up (Connie's peak) from a standard nail points.
-The mold must retain during the process of construction and Commission.
-The benchmark works are preserved in order to monitor and evaluate the deformation of buildings during the operation.

Thứ Hai, 5 tháng 1, 2015

Lession 3: Một số thuật ngữ trong bản vẽ cột biển báo, vạch sơn

Replacement of bridges             Thay thế cầu qua song
Service road along To Lich river           Đường công vụ dọc song Tô Lịch
Capping layer               Đáy áo đường
Bottom of K95 layer     Đáy lớp K95
Drawing title                 Tên bản vẽ
Elevation BRT Yên Nghĩa- Khuất Duy Tiến
Plan annotation Chỉ dẫn mặt bằng
Typical cross section     mặt cắt ngang điển hình
Signing and tripping       Biển báo và vạch sơn
Sign post details            Chi tiết cột biển báo
Pedestrian handrailing details     Chi tiết rào chắn người đi bộ
Schedule of road marking arrow and traffic signs           Tổng hợp khối lượng vạch sơn mũi tên và biển báo
Schedule of pavement marking  Tổng hợp khối lượng vạch sơn
Dimensions are in meter                        Kích thước trong bản vẽ là m
Details of BRT stop refer to architectural drawing          Chi tiết bến BRT xem trong bản vẽ kiến trúc
Profile                          Cắt dọc
Steel beam                   Ống thép
Red-white painting        Sơn trắng đỏ
Blinding stones  Đá dăm đệm
Side view                     Mặt cắt
Fixing pin                      đinh ghim
Cap detail                     chi tiết nắp đậy
Curb                            bó vỉa
Connection of steel       liên kết ống thép
Construction limit          giới hạn xây dựng
Existing sidewalk          vỉa hè hiện trạng
Ramp for disable people           dốc cho người tàn tật
Construction corridor                hành lang xây dựng
Crossing marking                      Vạch sơn cho người đi bộ
To platform                              đến nhà chờ
Unit                              cấu kiện
Length                          chiều dài
Weight                         trong lượng
Concrete class D          Bê tông loại D
Blinding stone               Đá dăm đệm

Lession 2: Biểu mẫu trắc dọc - Trắc ngang - Bình đồ

Brif plan                       Bình đồ sơ lược
Datum                          mặt so sánh
Design gradient Dốc dọc thiết kế
Design elevation            cao độ thiết kế
Distance                       Khoảng cách
Existing ground Cao độ tự nhiên
Partial distant                Cự ly lẻ
Accumulate distant        Cự ly cộng dồn
Station no                     Tên cọc
Straight-cuver               Đoạn thẳng- đoạn cong
Type of retaining wall                Kiểu tường chắn
Plan                              Bình đồ
Longitudinal profile       Trắc dọc
Concrete slab number on the left           Số hiệu tấm bê tong trái tuyến
Concrete slab number on the right         Số hiệu tấm bê tong phải tuyến
Handicap curb ramps                            Chỗ hạ hè cho người tàn tật
Concrete block                         Hè lát gạch xi măng
Grass area                                            Diện tích trồng cỏ
Typical cross section of Quang Trung street       Mặt cắt điển hình phố Quang Trung
Sidewalk                      Vỉa hè
Carriageway                 Đường xe chạy
Median                         Giải phân cách
Curb type D                 Bó vỉa loại D
BRTL lane                    làn xe buýt nhanh bên trái
Design elevation            Cao độ thiết kế
Concrete class D          Bê tông loại D
Mortar class H             Vữa đệm loại H
Curb type C                 Bó vỉa loại C
Existing asphalt pavement          Mặt đường asphalt hiện trạng
Pavement details                       Chi tiết mặt đường
Adjusting BRT route                 Tuyến hiệu chỉnh
Excavate existing pavement       Đào mặt đường cũ

Lession 1: Biểu mẫu khung tên

Chúng tôi sẽ giới thiệu lần lượt từng bài trên trang web về tiếng anh chuyên ngành Giao Thông.

BRT: Bus rapid traffic   Tuyến xe buýt nhanh
Hanoi People’s Committee       UBND Thành phố Hà Nội
Department of transport            Sở GTVT
Hanoi urban transport development project management unit     Ban quản lý dự án đầu tư phát triển giao thông đô thị Hà Nội
Transport engineering design inc.           Tedi
Architecture and civil engineering consultants company Công ty tư vấn thiết kế kiến trúc xây dựng
State: Detail design       Thiết kế kỹ thuật
Paving works                Công tác mặt đường
Station                          Lý trình
Designed by                 Thiết kế
Checked by                  Kiểm tra
Design leader                Chủ trì hạng mục
Design manager            Chủ nhiệm thiết kế
Quanlity control            KCS công ty
Director                        Giám đốc
Scale                            Tỷ lệ
Code                            Mã số sản phẩm
Drawing no                   Số bản vẽ
Issured                         Lần xuất bản
Revised                        Lần chỉnh sửa
Note                            Ghi chú
Hanoi department of construction          Sở xây dựng Hà Nội
Construction drawing design                 Bước thiết kế BVTC